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My mother on a business trip,妈妈出差了英语作文120字


【导读】My mother on a business trip_妈妈出差了英语作文100字 Today is the first day of the mother on a busin…本文《My mother on a business trip,妈妈出差了英语作文120字》由小学生作文大全整理,仅供参考。

My mother on a business trip_妈妈出差了英语作文100字

Today is the first day of the mother on a business trip. In the morning, I'm still in his sleep, but a mother opened his eyes can't see. It turns out that mother left at 7 o 'clock, I was sad.

Mother was gone, grandpa will be coming to meet me, my father and I also moved to grandma's to wish I also eat not to eat sweet, or even sleep also can not sleep at night. Mother isn't at home was slow! When I think of mom, remembered before and mother together of the good time, I couldn't help crying.

Mom was not at home these days, I be brave. Ah, how I look forward to hurry up to Friday because mom will come back on Friday!

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