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Be moved,感动小学英语记事作文


【导读】Be moved_感动小学英语记事作文 People often say: a rain of a cold, accompanied by crisp school bell c…本文《Be moved,感动小学英语记事作文》由小学生作文大全整理,仅供参考。

Be moved_感动小学英语记事作文

People often say: "a rain of a cold", accompanied by crisp school bell clouds is more and more deep, press the person breathe to, a sudden wind hit. In an instant, whip like rain poured down and under.

I stood on the balcony, looking out at the sheeting rain, some at a loss, in I turned to leave when the street lights lit, in the night, a tree of golden brilliant into my sight, it is so bright; so bright, that moment, I stay, watching the fairy tale of the golden tree, rushing quivered leaves, I suddenly have a kind of impulse to teaI always thought that autumn, leaves, only represents the desolate and the vicissitudes of life; die and desolate; exhausted and helpless. Today, this bright suddenly gave me a strong feeling. I drunk in her elegant, refined; I'm addicted to the luxury of autumn.

Every day in the future, I will leave a little time for the tree, regardless of how the weather, the weather, I will be with it to a heart, until one day, I saw a middle-aged man wearing blue clothes with a pair of scissors in the tree, I will go over and asked: "what are you doing, you can not be wasted.A tree and a man, dedicated almost stubbornly station in there, with a full branch of golden, strong in the wind stand. Wind, showers, snowstorm, exposure, they with their share of the persistent we display the brilliance of life. Often so, my heart will have a surge of heat flowing through.

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