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Mid-Autumn festival,中秋节英语作文150字


【导读】The annual Mid-Autumn festival is coming soon! The Mid-Autumn festival has a moving story …本文《Mid-Autumn festival,中秋节英语作文150字》由小学生作文大全整理,仅供参考。

The annual Mid-Autumn festival is coming soon! The Mid-Autumn festival has a moving story called chang 'e moon. The tradition of autumn festival is to enjoy the moon and eat moon cakes. Every year I make mooncakes with my mother. The moon cakes are shaped like the moon on the Mid-Autumn night, with many flavors, such as peanut, fruity and floral. They are very sweet and tasty. The moon cake has family reunion meaning, it also places people's thoughts and love to the relatives. Do you like mooncakes? Do you like Mid-Autumn festival?

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