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【导读】Dear sir or Madam, How are you now? Im a student ,in these days,i wonder some things.In th…本文《Letter,书信作文200字》由小学生作文大全整理,仅供参考。

Dear sir or Madam,

How are you now?

I'm a student ,in these days,i wonder some things.In the end,i came up with a plane,i make a decision to help others,as long as ,i want to be a volunteer,and i decide to go to work for city. I vounter to help the old people and cheer them up.I have a hobby——hang out with someone,so i can hang out with old people in the park,i imagine we can keep smile when we walk,the birds fly in the sky,we can see some beautiful flowers in the park,a lot of people are all hang out,and talk with each other,another are playing chess,every one is all happy.It's difficult to describe my joy in words. If you ask me:why do you want to do the vounteer job?I will tell you,"No reason,i only want to help others,and make them happy."So,when the summer vacation is coming,i will do that.I believe i can do that well.

Sir,i believe i will be pround of myself.

Yours truly,

Sen Guo

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