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【导读】Dear sir or Madam, Sometimes i think that children should do the chores at home,its like a…本文《Letter,书信作文250字》由小学生作文大全整理,仅供参考。

Dear sir or Madam,

Sometimes i think that children should do the chores at home,it's like a tree,if you do these better and better,the tree will be strong.So i disagree that many people don't want their kids to do housework,and only want kids to study,i think it is unfair for children to life in the life,also ,i hope children to do some simple chores and study hard.When we do these all the time,we will have a lot of expetiences,maybe some people could like us,and we will have own ideas when we get into trouble,so we must do some simple chores,for example fold the clothes,sweep the floor and so on.Because it's important for us to go out the depend.We know,in our life,so many kids are are all lazy and all depend on their parents,parents always very tired when they come home from work,than see this mess at home,they will passible angry with us.So it's necessary for us to find our questions,finally,we should develop our independence.If the eariler we to be independent,the better for our life,so come on!let's be a good kids!let's share a few things with people and cheer them up!

Yours truly,

Sen Guo

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