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A day of my holiday,假期的一天作文200字


【导读】On the last day of my holiday, I did many interesting things. In the morning, I went to a …本文《A day of my holiday,假期的一天作文200字》由小学生作文大全整理,仅供参考。

On the last day of my holiday, I did many interesting things.

In the morning, I went to a small pool .There were a lot of fish in it. I caught a fish, so I was very happy. But suddenly, it swam away. I felt it's skin were cool and smooth.

In the afternoon, we met Mrs. Moon. The sky was clear and blue—the weather was good. So, we went to a spring named dream spring, and then, we went to Nan Shan library. We drank tea and ate snack.

After lunch, Mrs. Moon backed to her hotel. We went to a mall. I skated in an ice gym. It was cool! Maybe I was looked like a swan on the ice.

After the few hours, we ate dinner in a restaurant named Ming Gu restaurant. We ate Japanese food such as: sushi and the fresh fish.

After dinner, the sky was dark and black like the ink, the lamps were sparkle like the stars. The time was too late, so we backed home.

What a good day!

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