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How to get to the science museum,怎么去科学博物馆英语作文100字


【导读】We are going to the science museum tomorrow. There is an old thing show in the Museum. Do …本文《How to get to the science museum,怎么去科学博物馆英语作文100字》由小学生作文大全整理,仅供参考。

We are going to the science museum tomorrow. There is an old thing show in the Museum. Do you know how we can get to the science museum?


The science museum is next to the People’s Park. It isn’t far from our school. So we can go there on foot .Walk straight to the west from our school, next turn left at the post office and walk for about 5 minutes, then turn right at traffic lights. You can find the People’s Park on the right . Walk straight, and you’ll see the science museum.


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