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A wondful day,美好的一天英语作文100字


【导读】We went out yesterday. The sun was shining and we went to DongPing National Forest Park. W…本文《A wondful day,美好的一天英语作文100字》由小学生作文大全整理,仅供参考。

We went out yesterday. The sun was shining and we went to DongPing National Forest Park. We got there. Wow! There were many beautiful little umbrellas here. How beautiful!We liked these beautiful little umbrellas very much.And we all played games in DongPing National Forest Park.Such as ,play small planes ,play large ship.We were having a good time there. After games we also went to the"Children'sGarden". How nice!There are many trees and flowers in it. And we played games in it.Some people sat on the floor.Some people played lots of games.How happy we were ! We went back to school .We felt happy yesterday.

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