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【导读】The summer sun shone like a big ball of fire on the earth, seemingly giving out all its po…本文《Summer'night,夏夜作文200字》由小学生作文大全整理,仅供参考。

The summer sun shone like a big ball of fire on the earth, seemingly giving out all its power. It roasted the earth, drying the faces of pedestrians, and drying the trees without any sway. In such a hot day, we are looking forward to solar energy coming down early. I'm looking forward to it. I hope the sun is embarrassed and slowly withdraw from the sky. I love it in summer evening. The girls wore beautiful swimsuits and were in high spirits. The boy was naked except for a small underpants. It was as smooth as a loach. At this time, the river became our paradise. When you get to the river, you plunge in. Some play "dog planer", some "float the Yangtze River", some "butterfly swim", and some like loach in the river shuttle back and forth. I like water fight most, you spilled me, I spilled you. For a moment, the splash of water was not enough to wipe away his face. Sometimes we are unhappy, overwhelmed by the water, crying, but soon we are full of laughter. The river was splashed with snow-white sprays, and the laughter and laughter of his companions mingled with the clatter of the water, like a beautiful idyllic symphony. At this time, I am extremely happy, charming River, bring me the most beautiful summer enjoyment.

  • 夏夜

    夏,是美的,是静的,是奇的,是幻的,是乐的。夏夜,是有魔力的,闪闪的星和朦朦的月题记。 晚上,卧在床上,透过纱窗看那乌黑的夜,是一块黑色的帆布蒙在空中。纯纯的黑,不带一丝光亮,绒绒的,好像一伸手就可以触到

  • 夏夜

    这是一幅令人安静的画。 那幅画不大,整幅画几乎只有深蓝色。 月亮在夜空中,洒下一缕一缕淡淡的银光,轮廓并不是那般清晰,或许是它刚从云中挣扎出那娇羞的脸。在月光下,辨出那几棵是松树,色彩层次很多:翠绿、墨绿

  • 夏夜多么美


  • 夏夜如梦

    在所有的自然景色中,我一向最喜欢夏日的夜晚,微风轻轻地拂过大地,树影婆裟地摆动腰肢,而其它的一切似乎都在沉睡着,偶尔倒会传来树叶哗哗的响声,宛如梦呓一般。 在这静静的夏日的夜晚里,树儿用月光杯饮下了夜色美

  • 夏夜

    夏夜 福建省晋江安海养正中心小学六年三班柯雪云 夏夜是迷人的;夏夜是奇妙的;夏夜是如诗如画…… 夏天的夜幕渐渐降下来了。太阳红着脸,带着周围的红黄色的朝霞。消失在天边,吃完晚饭,劳累一天后的人们来了大榕树下

