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Betray (on),背叛(上)四年级英语故事作文180字


【导读】Betray (on)_背叛(上)四年级英语故事作文180字 In the thick forest, so live a little dog, his name is litt…本文《Betray (on),背叛(上)四年级英语故事作文180字》由小学生作文大全整理,仅供参考。

Betray (on)_背叛(上)四年级英语故事作文180字

In the thick forest, so live a little dog, his name is little Wolf. One day, the little Wolf went to the forest school, see the little monkey escaped from the school, the situation was little Wolf saw this, he went over and said to him; "What are you doing to the little monkey?" "SHH, I went to Internet cafes to play games." Answered the little monkey. "Then why did you go to play games and don't go to school?" Little Wolf puzzled asked. "Alas, my English has been bad, only to spend time in playing games. By the way, would you like to accompany me to play several." Asked the little monkey. "No, I have to go to school, besides, the teacher also don't we go to play the game!" Little Wolf replied. "You really don't go to?" Asked the little monkey. "Not to go." Little Wolf replied. "You'll regret it ?

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