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Have a healthy body,有一个健康的身体英语作文100字


【导读】How to have a healthy body? First of all, you have to play sports like playing basketball …本文《Have a healthy body,有一个健康的身体英语作文100字》由小学生作文大全整理,仅供参考。

How to have a healthy body? First of all, you have to play sports like playing basketball and running. You should also eat more fruits and vegetables, such as apples and bananas, which are rich in vitamins. If you do that, you won't get sick often. And you can not stay up late, to early to bed and early to rise, you should speak hygiene, clean themselves, often to drink lots of water every day, not to eat junk food, and so on are conducive to a healthy body, the most important thing is to pay attention to safety.


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