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A Happy Today


【导读】Knocked at the door there was a gentle and rhythmic knock at the door.An old man wears gla…本文《A Happy Today》由小学生作文大全整理,仅供参考。

"Knocked at the door there was a gentle and rhythmic knock at the door.An old man wears glasses, dressed in a black quilted jacket, and a pair of black trousers, wearing slippers, he is reading a newspaper, thought: less guest in the home, who is likely to be?Open the door a look, wow!Son, daughter-in-law, grandson, granddaughter came back, old man looked at them happy!

  • 小白兔叫happy


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    圣诞节的作文600字 Happy Christmas 期盼已久的圣诞节即将来到,班级里被我和其他几位同学布置的蓬荜生辉,大家快看,我们班的圣诞联欢会已经拉开了帷幕。 第一个环节最受同学们的喜爱,你瞧!传说中的圣诞老人住在哪?A、北极圈 B、南极圈 C、圣诞小屋。大家都纷纷举起手来,王一西朱子阅用洪亮的声音喊了她。王一西有些不确定自己的答案,所以小声地说了C,朱子阅摇摇头

  • A happy day,快乐的一天作文100字

    It is the first day of the week .It is Sunday.My family go to the park.We can see many flowers.They are red,pink,yellow and purple.They are very nice.My father and I are flying a kite.The kites picture is a bird.We are having a good time.


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